Thursday, September 1, 2011

LAST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well it is so late now on day 7 that I have totally forgotten everything about yesterday!  It is now dinner time on day 7 and I think it is safe to say MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!  Yesterday was smoothie for breakfast and juice for lunch as usual.  I rewarded myself with a new snazzy haircut last night but thought I would eat my arms off during the process.  Came home a bit grumpy, had some pear juice and slept off the hunger.  Today business as usual: smoothie, juice, nuts.  I am now sitting at Panera enjoying a Greek salad with no dressing, no feta, an apple and an unsweet tea.  It is done! 

I plan to have my cholesterol checked in the morning and will share those numbers once they are in.  The weight is now 138.2, down 5.5 lbs.  I feel good.  I feel accomplished.  I feel a bit thinner ; )  I think I have been calmer and again, have slept really well.  I am not sure I stressed before how much I love food.  I truly thought this would be HARD.  Much to my surprise it has been a breeze.  I have missed the social aspect of eating more than the food itself.  I have only been hungry a few times and never terribly so. 

With that being said, I feel like I cannot sabotage my spot in the 130's (it has been a really long time since I have been there), so I plan to juice for breakfast and lunch tomorrow and then eat a light dinner tomorrow night.  I think my stomach has shrunk to the size of a walnut by now.  8 oz of juice and I am now stuffed!  We are headed to the lake tomorrow night which typically means grabbing something quick.  We are planning on a Blue Coast Burrito run.  I am getting my usual: peasant plate with beans, rice, salad and guacamole with soft corn tortillas.  Can't wait!  I have been craving beans all week!  I am also planning for some Pad Thai and sushi in the coming days.  I will give you one more update with the cholesterol numbers next week.....  Thanks for tuning in.  This has been a lot of talk about juice!  Thanks Thanks Thanks for all of the support! 

I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor. Henry David Thoreau

1 comment:

  1. Amy, I have done a modified fast like this several times, and I have had the same experience you did. You feel a bit lighter, a lot healthier, and you have a whole new HUGE appreciation for food! You learn what you really love by what you really miss when you're fasting. SO proud of you!

    Thanks for sharing your journey - enjoy the hell out of your weekend - especially the food!

